The River Cafe

"Brent Petkau's 'Royal Courtesans' are our favourite oysters bar none, but it is Brent's passion and philosophy that has elevated our awareness to understand why. A bivalve guru with an infectious enthusiasm for everything about the oyster, Brent can expound on growing and maturing oysters naturally in the sea, the environmental influences of their taste and on the oyster's mythical and romantic place in history." Sal Howell, River Café owner & Chef Scott Pohorelic

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BC Shellfish Growers Association

Congratulations to Brent Petkau (BCSGA member) for inspiring such great press coverage for BC’s fabulous Oysters. With guys like Brent pulling for our industry, the Oyster Revolution is sure to happen!

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Gregory Heming

Brent Petkau’s  (The Oyster Man)   kindness and support is assisting me in Shaking Hands with the River. He is always the first to remind me that the world is my oyster.
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