Petkau's World

Written by: Anne DeGrace    
Published by: West Kootenay Weekender (May. 14 1999)

"The big thing for me is that it's very much a lifestyle which demands and rewards hard work. You don't count your hours; you go to work very, very hard, and you gain a deep satisfaction. It's the lifestyle I've grown up with, and what I want to pass on to my family," says Petkau. (more)
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A Day With The Oyster Man

Written by: Andrew Findlay    
Published by: WestJet InFlight Magazine (Aug. 2003)

"Sex appeal. That's what it really boils down to," he says, as though stating the obvious when I ask him why some people are fanatical about oysters. After downing his fourth fresh one of the afternoon, a brine of oyster juice sparkles on his bushy beard and drips onto a white T-shirt with a sketch of a fellow who bears a striking resemblance to himself. A whimsical image that is underscored by the slogan, "Join The Oyster Revolution."

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