How to Shuck Oysters

Ask yourself, what do learning to ride a bicycle and shucking oysters have in common?  
First off, they are both rights of passage, from being a baby in the woods, to that of growing potentially, into a FULLY ALIVE human being.   
Secondly, learning to ride a bike, as with mastering the art of oyster shucking, is all about  SELF EMPOWERMENT. 

One inevitably feels wonderful when the breeze is in your face as you zoom down a hill at break-neck speed on your bicycle.   You are going somewhere.  Ahhh, this feeling is no different than popping the hinge of a shucked oyster.   Being able to confidently take a sharp knife in your hand and experience the joy of shucking something that is hard and craggy on the outside, but is soft and sensuous within, will also take you to a world of excitement and joy for life.

Thirdly, things like bike riding and oyster shucking, are simply, FUN to experience.
And lastly, oyster shucking and bicycle riding both RESPECT confidence and ABHORS uncertainty!
Imagine for yourself, what your life would be like if you had never learned to ride a bicycle or shuck an oyster?  
If you need to read about how to shuck an oyster,  John McCabe offers the definitive reference.
Or you can also check out this demonstration:  



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